Site Development and Soil Stabilization Services

Newfield Inc. offers a wide range of site development services throughout Richmond and the surrounding areas. These include but are not limited to: lot clearing, grading and excavating, storm sewer utility installation, erosion control measures and soil stabilization. We self-perform most all types of site preparation and development work and take seriously safety regulations and environmental responsibility. Our commitment to excellence begins in the office prior to the start of our site work. We employ new and innovative methods on each of our jobs. Our employees are capable of operating in various capacities allowing us to maintain efficiency by not having to operate multiple crews per job.

Soil Stabilization

Soil stabilization provides an effective and efficient recycling option for stabilizing soils for various construction projects. During the automated process, existing soils are mixed in place using additives and self-propelled stabilization machinery.  These additives dramatically increase the strength and load capacity of the soils allowing it to withstand weight and pressure. Newfield is proud to own a fleet of machinery to perform stabilization services. We also supply all of our stabilization projects with our own additives creating operational efficiency and cost savings.

Excavating and Grading

Our site development services include excavating and grading services for all of our jobs including commercial, residential, and government. We have an extensive fleet of equipment competent in handling our customers exceedingly high expectations. Our skilled workers help our clients prepare their project sites to exacting specifications so that future construction can be completed with precision and efficiency.


Our skilled team is able to perform complex underground utilities. Having installed thousands of feet of pipe each year, our team has extensive field experience. Armed with modern technology via GPS and lasers, we guarantee accuracy. Adept at the placement of various types of pipes, including concrete, plastic and ABS our capabilities include just about any type of installation. With an emphasis on safety, we are able to ensure that work meets the exacting standards of the utility department inspectors.

Erosion Control

Every development project has areas with the potential for soil erosion. We aim to reduce the environmental impact of each project. We are Certified Responsible Land Disturbers meaning we are educated on the potential for adverse effects to the ecosystem and how to best minimize damage based on processes. In addition, we follow approved sediment and erosion control plans so rest assured your project will be compliant.

Have a site development project you’d like to discuss?

Send us an email and we will be in touch.